Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Boole's Logic and Probability

Ebook Download | Boole's Logic and Probability | Hailperin demonstrates how Boole's very difficult technique for solving problems in probability logic can be easily solved by using a linear programming approach , such as parametric and integer-mixed integer techniques.This approach makes the computation of Boolean probabilistic intervals straightforward.An additional benefit of Hailperin's solutions repertoire is that Keynes's improved technique for solving probabilistic interval estimate problems ,formally discussed by Keynes in chapters 15 and 17 of his A Treatise on Probablity in 1921(the actual work in this area was done by Keynes in 1907 and 1908,respectively,in his two Cambridge University fellowship theses)and applied in chapters 20 and 22 of the TP on pp.234-237 and pp.255-257,respectively,can also be solved using Hailperin's approach ,although Hailperin himself appears not to realize this.


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