Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET

Ebook Download | Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET | Before I rave about this title, let me start with a caveat. This is not a beginner's "Learn VB.NET" or "Learn to Program" book - it's for intermediate to advanced programmers. That being said, this is a great book for anyone who actually needs to do _real_work_ (shudder) with Windows Forms. Unlike a lot of books out there, this isn't a huge tome that rehashes the MSDN docs or goes into all the minutiae of Microsoft's latest GUI framework. Instead, Mr. Sells has condensed much of his deep knowledge of WinForms into these chapters, detailing many of the traps you need to avoid - and tricks you'll need to use - if you want to create WinForms apps that do more than just say "hello world". The author is a true expert on Windows Forms. I don't know how he did it, but he knows stuff - key stuff - that you can't find in any of the written docs from Microsoft. He shares this vital information in a style that is both logical and concise. IMO, if you need to build WinForms apps, this book will return the money you spend on it many times over.

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